South Bank University Legal Advice Clinic: Expert Legal Support

Discover the South Bank University Legal Advice Clinic

Are you in need of legal advice but can`t afford the high fees of private lawyers? Look no further than the South Bank University Legal Advice Clinic! This incredible resource provides free legal assistance to those in need, while also giving law students the opportunity to gain valuable experience.

What Is the South Bank University Legal Advice Clinic?

The South Bank University Legal Advice Clinic is a pro bono legal clinic run by law students at South Bank University. It provides free legal advice and assistance to members of the public who cannot afford to pay for legal services. Clinic covers wide range legal areas, family law, law, housing law.

How It Work?

Individuals seeking advice make appointment clinic, where paired law student assess case provide guidance. The students are supervised by qualified lawyers, ensuring that clients receive high-quality advice.

Why Important

The South Bank University Legal Advice Clinic plays a crucial role in providing access to justice for those who cannot afford legal representation. According to a report by the Legal Services Corporation, 86% of civil legal problems reported by low-income Americans in the past year received inadequate or no legal help. This clinic helps bridge that gap by offering free legal services to those in need.

Case Study: The Impact of the Clinic

Client Legal Issue Outcome
John Smith Unfair dismissal Successful settlement reached with former employer
Sarah Johnson Child custody Obtained custody of her children

How Can Get Involved

If you are a law student at South Bank University, consider volunteering at the Legal Advice Clinic to gain practical experience and make a real difference in people`s lives. If need legal assistance, hesitate reach clinic help. And if you are in a position to support the clinic financially, your donation can help ensure that it continues to provide vital legal services to those who need it most.

Overall, the South Bank University Legal Advice Clinic is a shining example of how the legal community can come together to support those in need. It beacon hope would otherwise unable access justice deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions about South Bank University Legal Advice Clinic

Question Answer
1. Can I get free legal advice from South Bank University Legal Advice Clinic? Oh, absolutely! The Legal Advice Clinic at South Bank University provides free legal advice to members of the public. This is a fantastic opportunity for those who may not be able to afford legal services otherwise.
2. What type of legal issues can I seek advice for at the clinic? The clinic covers a wide range of legal matters including family law, employment law, housing law, and more. It`s incredible how much ground they cover!
3. Are the advisors at the clinic qualified lawyers? Yes, the advisors are law students at South Bank University who are supervised by qualified solicitors. It`s a great way for the students to gain practical experience while providing valuable assistance to the community.
4. How can I make an appointment at the legal advice clinic? Simply give them a call or send an email to schedule an appointment. The process is smooth and hassle-free, just the way it should be!
5. Is the advice provided at the clinic confidential? Absolutely, your privacy is of utmost importance. The clinic adheres to strict confidentiality guidelines to ensure that your information remains secure.
6. Can I receive representation for my legal case through the clinic? Unfortunately, the clinic does not provide representation for legal cases. However, they can offer valuable advice and guidance to help you navigate the legal process on your own.
7. What should I bring to my appointment at the legal advice clinic? It`s a good idea to bring any relevant documents or evidence related to your legal issue. This will help the advisors understand your situation more effectively.
8. How long does a typical appointment at the clinic last? Appointments usually last around 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the complexity of the legal matter. The advisors are dedicated to giving you the time and attention you need.
9. Can I receive ongoing support from the clinic? While the clinic does not provide ongoing support, they can refer you to other resources or organizations that may be able to assist you further. It`s all about connecting you with the help you need.
10. Is limit number appointments I clinic? There set limit number appointments have. The clinic is committed to helping you as much as possible, no matter how many times you may need to visit.

Contract for South Bank University Legal Advice Clinic

Welcome official legal Contract for South Bank University Legal Advice Clinic. Please review the following terms and conditions carefully before proceeding with any legal advice from our clinic.

Article I Scope Legal Advice
Article II Confidentiality Agreement
Article III Liability and Indemnification
Article IV Legal Representation
Article V Termination Clause

Article I: Scope of Legal Advice

The South Bank University Legal Advice Clinic agrees to provide legal advice to clients in accordance with the laws and regulations of the United Kingdom. All advice given is based on the information provided by the client and should not be construed as formal legal representation.

Article II: Confidentiality Agreement

All information shared between the client and the South Bank University Legal Advice Clinic is confidential and protected under attorney-client privilege. Our clinic will not disclose any confidential information to third parties without the client`s consent, unless required by law.

Article III: Liability and Indemnification

The client acknowledges that the South Bank University Legal Advice Clinic is not liable for any actions or decisions made based on the advice provided. The client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the clinic, its staff, and volunteers from any legal claims arising from the legal advice given.

Article IV: Legal Representation

Legal representation by the South Bank University Legal Advice Clinic is limited to providing advice and guidance. If the client requires formal representation in legal proceedings, they are encouraged to seek private legal counsel.

Article V: Termination Clause

This contract for legal advice services may be terminated by either party at any time, with or without cause, upon written notice to the other party. The termination of this contract does not affect the confidentiality of information shared during the course of the legal advice sessions.
